Learn about the implications of new giving vehicles and technology on philanthropy and what lies behind them.
Register to watchNew giving vehicles and tools have proliferated in recent years. The conventional foundation model is being supplemented by the growth of donor advised funds, limited liability companies and personalised giving services. At the same time, technology is providing more direct means of fundraising and giving, and bringing in new people as donors and beneficiaries. Depending on their level of development, different regions have devised their own vehicles.
What are the implications of these changes and what lies behind them? Is the conventional foundation model being supplanted? Are new means of individual giving transcending donor-grantee divides and producing a move towards greater democracy in philanthropy? Conversely, are new institutional forms making philanthropy more opaque?
Chief Executive Officer, CivSource Africa
Director, Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment
Director, Forum on Philanthropy and the Public Good, Boston College Law School
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