Be a force for good this GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday is a reminder of the power of organizations to change their communities for the better. Learn about what Optimy is doing this GivingTuesday and how you can contribute too!

We all can contribute in our own way

GivingTuesday is about shared humanity and year-round collaboration to create a world where generosity is a part of everyday life. You don't need to donate money to participate. Whether it's volunteering or acts of kindness like helping a neighbor, everyone can contribute in their own way.

Here at Optimy, we have taken several initiatives throughout the year to try and make a difference to the issues impacting society and the environment. Continue reading and take inspiration from our efforts to make a positive impact.


Optimy partners with Vivemar to save baby sea turtles

Sea turtles play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of the ocean and are proclaimed as a key species for human survival. But their survival - and the balance of life in the sea - is being threatened. Vivemar is a cooperative society in Oaxaca, Mexico that helps save baby turtle eggs and helps these gentle creatures make it safely to the sea, their home. 

  • Since 2011, Vivemar has saved hundreds of thousands of baby turtles. With the help of the Optimy community, they will save even more of these gentle creatures.
  • We have partnered with Vivemar to help save baby turtles and preserve the ecological balance of the sea.
  • For every review our customers leave us on Capterra or G2, we will support Vivemar in saving baby sea turtles.
  • Customers who leave us the most reviews will receive a special memento from Vivemar and will also be featured by Vivemar on Instagram.
Learn more
A worker in the energy industry contributing to a social impact program
Empowering customers and the community

Unleashing the power of collective action

Employee volunteering and donation programs are a great way of mobilizing and engaging employees to contribute to causes that align with your company's values. To encourage our customers to get more employees involved, we are leading the industry towards a business model that puts people and causes over profits.

No charge for extra volunteers  

Breaking from the standard industry practice, we will not charge our customers extra for more volunteers on the Optimy platform. To help address challenges related to low volunteering participation across companies, we will take on the cost of a high number of volunteers on the Optimy platform instead of passing it on to our customers. This will help Optimy customers promote their volunteering and giving activities to the fullest extent, and maximize their positive impact.
A CSR manager in the financial services industry looking for social impact software
A CSR manager in the financial services industry looking for social impact software

No transaction fee on employee donations

We recently announced that we will not charge a transaction fee on donations made through the Optimy platform. Every year, millions of dollars are donated by corporate employees to various causes they care about. However, a lot of these funds go to software vendors or payment processors instead of to the intended cause.

By not charging a transaction fee on top of the payment processing fee, more money will reach someone in need. This underscores our commitment to help corporations be the force for good that they can be.

Helping others amplify their impact!

Optimy customers can help us build a better world by participating in our new Referral Program. When a company is successfully referred to us, we will donate to any of these three reputable organizations:

Doctors without Borders

Doctors Without Borders brings medical humanitarian assistance to victims of conflict, natural disasters, epidemics, and healthcare exclusion all over the world.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

WWF works to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife, collaborating with partners from local to global levels in nearly 100 countries.


United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.

Refer now

Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions about grantmaking, grant management, and managing grants with Optimy.

What is GivingTuesday?

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity around the world.

GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past nine years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

When is GivingTuesday?

GivingTuesday takes place on the last Tuesday of November. This year, GivingTuesday is on November 28, 2023, although they encourage everyone to celebrate it every day.

Who can participate in GivingTuesday?

Everyone! GivingTuesday has been built by a broad coalition of partners, including individuals, families, nonprofits, schools, religious organizations, small businesses and corporations. There are people and organizations participating in GivingTuesday in every country in the world.

How can businesses and brands participate in GivingTuesday?

Businesses and brands participate in GivingTuesday by using their platforms, networks, talents and resources for good. Some businesses give a percentage of sales to a nonprofit on GivingTuesday, others serve as a drop off spot for a goods collection, offer matching grants to local organizations, or volunteer together as a team.