Iren is an Italian utility and energy company with a presence throughout Italy. Their activities include energy management, from production to sales to end customers, as well as managing the waste cycle and the integrated water cycle in various territories, from collection to treatment and billing.
They also produce energy from a variety of sources, such as solar power plants in Southern Italy, hydroelectric power plants, and traditional gas-fired power plants.
Continue reading to learn how Iren uses Optimy to effectively manage sponsorships and build stronger stakeholder relationships, strengthening its image and making itself more resilient to changing market forces.
Iren manages sponsorship requests from different territories. Its main challenges were that it was difficult to channel all requests into an orderly system and follow the correct process set by the organization. Given the high volume of requests, it was fundamental for the organization to centralize requests and follow a workflow.
With Optimy’s structured and customizable form, collecting the right data became very easy. With relevant questions, it was easy to get precise, orderly answers. The data collected was centrally organized and easily accessible. Managing the flow of requests thus became seamless.
It also became effortless for Iren to measure the impact of their initiatives. Iren emphasizes image feedback in its sponsorship activations.
To measure their impact, Iren conducts an internal audit. It checks that the authorization process is working properly and that image returns are consistent with the size of the sponsorship. It also evaluates a database of spin-offs, including conferences, dedicated speeches, banners, logos, publications, press articles, dedicated events, discounts, products for employees, social visibility, and mentions.
It then creates an evaluation matrix, which is used to evaluate the following year. Iren engages in both qualitative and quantitative monitoring of image feedback, not for sales purposes, but to raise awareness.
Iren, like other companies in the sector, has become bigger and with larger, cross-functional departments. This increased the complexity involved in managing sponsorships and illustrated the need for better organization to improve collaboration between different stakeholders.
With Optimy, Iren was able to organize its sponsorships in a way that enabled its success. The company plans to further develop its sponsorship program and be more active, with an increased presence in Italy.
Iren is also pursuing contributing to the energy transition and the circular economy through responsible and well-designed investments. It intends to do it all in a short space of time. This focus on sustainable development is crucial for its long-term sustainability.
By effectively managing its sponsorships, Iren is building stronger ties with stakeholders, enhancing its reputation, increasing its social licence, and making itself more resilient to ever-changing market forces.
Because of Optimy, Iren will be able to better serve its community and employees in the years to come.
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