Witness the transformative shift from manual processes to digital efficiency, as the Foundation partnered with Optimy, to streamline their project calls and enhance collaboration, in the pursuit of groundbreaking scientific discoveries.
Created in 1987, the Charcot Foundation's mission is to support scientific research into the disease of multiple sclerosis. The Foundation finances several research projects each year, some of which are the subject of multi-year grants to finance scientific projects.
Until just a few years ago, the Foundation worked with a fully manual, paper-based process. Once the application form was ready, the call for projects was announced and promoted via letters sent to universities and researchers by post, as well as via posters displayed in medical faculties.
Once the application period was closed, paper copies of the applications were sent to the Foundation's address. The Foundation then forwarded each application to the members of the evaluation team, also by post.
It's easy to imagine that such logistics gave rise to several difficulties and risks, such as applications getting lost in the mail, financial costs for both researchers and the Foundation, and difficulties in harmonizing the selection process and ensuring that applicants stick to the rules in terms of number of pages per application, number of copies, etc.
The Charcot Foundation selected Optimy to help optimize their calls for projects, creating and publishing forms for applicants and making them accessible via the Foundation's website, as well as the application submission and follow-up process.
Because of Optimy, it became possible for candidates to prepare their applications progressively, as well as for the Foundation to send a reminder as the submission date approaches. The application form was standardized and it became easy for applicants to follow all the rules.
Collaboration between all evaluators also became easy, as applications can now be transferred online to jury members in PDF format. The Foundation can now extract lists of information as Excel spreadsheets, and receive financial and scientific reports via a harmonized form.
In a nutshell, Optimy enabled the Foundation to save time by streamlining the calls for projects as well as the entire project management process, while making it much easier for researchers to apply.
All of this led to the Charcot Foundation investing less time in administrative tasks, reducing the risk of lost files and applications, and increasing data security and information shared in application forms.
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