Take advantage of data
You may have already run many successful projects but you want to know how to step up and get an even better result, data can help answer your question. No matter what sort of information you want to know; from what your productivity is being spent on if in the right place or not, to information that you collect from any of the applications that you receive. Although this takes time to collect, it will be useful in a long run in order for your organisation to grow and run as many more successful projects as possible.
To find out more about data, we have some other articles to help you understand the importance of data: How data can benefit your foundation, Why data matters for your grantmaking
Smooth workflow
Having a smooth workflow will easily help your grantmaking experience better. By better meaning that what needs to be done next in the process of each project doesn’t strategically need to be thought through anymore as the workflow is already in place. The workflow throughout the whole process will run smoothly. To find out more about workflow, give this blog post a read: Manage your workflow to achieve better results for grantmakers.
Invest in a software
Investing in a software can take your grantmaking success to the next level. You no longer have to worry about having to manually collect data because that is time consuming and you may lose productivity over it. By investing in a grant management software, you able to receive final data based on every information that you collect from the grantseekers, find out where you productivity is spent, and most importantly, rank applications without having to manually looking through each application. This way, not only is the admin work is being taken care of for you – you’ll also be able to run more successful projects.
Are you ready to make your grantmaking more successful?