Implementing a sponsorship program within your organization is a great way to do good, to support great initiatives, to increase brand awareness and to spread the word about yourself and the great topic you're supporting. But as for any kind of projects, managing all the steps of such an activity can be tough...but not impossible. With a bit of reflexion, structure and collaboration, nothing is impossible.
Sit back and relax while going through our 4 best tips to manage your sponsorship project like a chef!
1. Know your objectives
Before you go forward with any projects you have in mind, you must know exactly what you want to achieve from it. Consider the objectives your goals of the project. Write down what you want to achieve from this project and make it the objectives of the project. The objectives will help you get exactly what you want from doing the project.
2. Communicate on your expectations
Be transparent about what you want and how you would like it to be achieved from this project. If you are not transparent about what you want then people you work with on the project won’t know what you want and your objectives may not be met because of it. If you are clear about your needs and talk about how it can be met, the objectives are likely to be achieved.
3. Be transparent about your budget
Your budget is the most important element in making the project possible. Have a set budget for the project since the beginning to avoid miscommunications or any other issues. If you are going to further support the project above the budget you are already giving then also be clear about that.
4. Set up a schedule
A plan without a set date is only an uncertainty waiting to happen so know exactly when everything is happening. As a sponsorship manager, your role isn’t to just look for projects to fund and look through documents. Remember you are sponsoring because you want to achieve something so you know when it needs to be done by. Some documents needs verifying or approving before the actual project happens so ensure that all of those are done and put aside before the project is in action to avoid any complications. You must be extremely organised especially when it comes to running many sponsorship projects.
Ready to jump in? Eager to equip your team with a flexible and intuitive sponsorship management software?