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Celebrating Earth Day 2024: Join Optimy in Making a Difference!

Lucie Godeau
24 April 2024 -- 2min
Celebrating Earth Day 2024: Join Optimy in Making a Difference!

In the wake of Earth Day 2024, it's the perfect time to reflect on the importance of environmental stewardship and the role we, at Optimy, can play in creating a sustainable future for our planet. As tech experts in the CSR industry, we believe it's our responsibility to educate on how digital solutions can enhance impact, including in environmental initiatives. That's why we've prepared valuable assets to increase your knowledge on environmental grantmaking and CSR. Take a look!

We're thrilled to announce the release of our new eBook, "Leveraging Technology for Effective Environmental Grantmaking" which delves into the top challenges faced by environmental grantmakers and explores how technology can amplify their efforts in supporting impactful and sustainable solutions. Whether you're a seasoned grantmaker or just starting out in the field of environmental philanthropy, this eBook is packed with insights and practical tips to help you make a difference.

But that's not all! We're also hosting a special webinar on May 16th, where we'll be joined by industry experts to discuss how multinational corporations are supporting environmental causes worldwide and how you can maximize the impact of your initiatives. This webinar is your chance to learn from peers and connect with like-minded individuals.

So mark your calendars and join us in celebrating Earth Day 2024! Together, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable world for future generations.

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