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Tips to Reach Ambitious Sponsorship Goals

by Ornella Schillaci
March 6, 2022 - Reading time: 3min
Tips to Reach Ambitious Sponsorship Goals

Sponsorship programs are not merely marketing strategies. They bear in themselves your social impact wishes and the projects you want to support. But that doesn't mean that the whole marketing strategy is something that you can leave for later. Before building any social impact programs, you should know what you want to reach. 

Now, it is easy to assume that sponsorship goals are mostly focused on reaching a certain number of contacts during the sponsored event but that is not all. Take a few steps back. Keep these tips in mind. 

Before discovering how you can reach your goals, you need to set up clear KPIs that make sense with your brand, your organization, your values, and your evolution. 

How to set your Sponsorship goals

Your sponsorship goals can be ambitious as long as they fit your reality, meaning: your budget, your means and the time that is available for you to set up the sponsorship program. 

#1 Impressions 

Whether it is a booth, a table, an interactive experience that visitors can use during the event, your presence must be noticed. 

Online impressions and mentions are also important. We do live in a 2.0 world: digitalization is important and being mentioned on the Internet, on Social Media, etc. are now social proofs that your brand is worth the time the visitors spend with it during the event. 

#2 Qualified contacts

You met with people, you gathered data, you gained information on name, email address, etc.? That is great. Whether they register to a newsletter, download a content, give away their contact information for a contest, ... you might have gathered lots of key information about people who might be your next audience, your future ambassadors.

#3 NPS 

Net promoter score is an essential way to discover what your audience thought about the event sponsored so you can improve it next time. If you went for the digital experience to make them live an experience, it is super important to collect their feedback on that, to make sure that you aimed for the right way of impressing them. Learn from what they say. You can even ask them to score the experience so you can try to reach a better one next time! 

Now that this is planned, you're probably wondering what you can do to make sure that your sponsorship program reaches these goals? That's fine, here too, we got you covered.

Must do to reach your sponsorship goals

  1. Embrace creativity 
  2. Find out who your audience is 
  3. Get digital 
  4. Make some noise
  5. Think about the after-event 

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